The excitement for Sonu Sood’s upcoming action thriller Fateh has reached unparalleled heights. Fans in Sholapur have created an incredible 390-foot cutout poster of the actor. This massive tribute was carried by 500 students in a grand procession. It sets a new world record and showcases the immense love and admiration for the actor ahead of the film’s highly anticipated release.
Sonu Sood starrer Fateh receives immense love
The enthusiasm surrounding Fateh is not confined to just one region. From the northern heartlands to the southern states, the craze for the film is rapidly spreading. Sonu Sood’s visits to Amritsar, Shirdi, Lucknow, and Delhi have drawn massive crowds. Fans showcase their devotion and support in unforgettable ways.
In addition to the record-breaking 390-foot cutout, fans have created custom Fateh-themed t-shirts, statues, and even decorated autos with the film’s branding. Social media is flooded with videos of these heartfelt fan gestures, shared enthusiastically across platforms. This unprecedented level of fan activity highlights the immense anticipation for Sonu Sood starrer Fateh. It promises to be a game-changer in the action genre. The 390-foot cutout stands as a tribute to Sonu Sood. It is a testament to the film’s impact, even before its release.
About Fateh
Fateh is directed and written by Sonu Sood. It is a high-octane action thriller set against the backdrop of cybercrime. The film promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its gripping storyline. It has been produced by Umesh KR Bansal under Zee Studios and Sonali Sood of Shakti Sagar Productions, with Ajay Dhama as co-producer. Fateh is slated for a grand release on 10th January 2025.